When You Feel Like Planning A Party This Time Of Year Is Too Much: Solutions

Ah, holiday parties. What fun. What excitement. What merriment. What a nightmare to plan. If that last thought sounds more like what you are currently feeling, there are solutions to making this event less stressful. Here are a few solutions to that holiday party planning stress. 

Do Not Have a Party

Who says you must plan a party? If you just cannot feasibly do it this year, take a break, say no, and just go to other parties. Of course, that usually does not always work out, and maybe, just maybe, you want a small, more intimate event anyway.

Hire an Event Planner

When you have a full holiday plate already, hire an event planner. You will not have to lift a finger to make this party happen. The event planner will cover everything from the food to the drinks to the venue (if you are not having the party at your house or at the office), to the decorations. It is all up to the planner and the budget you give the planner to work with. You just go do everything else you need to do and let the planner work out all of the details for the party for you. All things considered, the price comes out about the same for food, drinks, and location, and the additional costs are totally worth the peace of mind you get knowing you did not have to do any of this.

Get in on a Round Robin Instead

A "round robin" is an event where people move from one house to the next, eating, drinking, and socializing. If it helps, you can still involve a party planner, but on a much smaller scale. Each family member with a home provides guests with some holiday cheer, usually starting with hors d'oeuvres at the first house, and ending with desserts and drinks at the last house.

The party planner can help you with whatever holiday course you have either been assigned or volunteered to do for the "round robin." The planner can also help with decorations so that you create a warm and inviting atmosphere for all your guests. By choosing this sort of party, your guests do not stay long enough at your house to create a big mess. Additionally, you do not have to feel pressured to be the full source of holiday entertainment, festive decor, and procurer of meals and drinks.
